Club Rules
Repair pitch Marks
Replace Divots
Rake Bunkers
The club expects its members to adhere to the club’s dress code at all times while using the club’s facilities. A wide array of clothing is permitted but members are requested not to wear football type shorts, tracksuits, sleeveless shirts and sleeveless jumpers. Sleeveless jumpers are permitted if worn with a shirt or tee shirt that has sleeves. Frayed or stonewashed jeans or heavy boots are not permitted on the course or in the clubhouse. Any footwear that has been worn on the course, including soft spikes is not permitted in the committee room or in the lounge/reception area of the clubhouse.
Support your club – the club’s golf clothing are available in the clubhouse.
• Repair Pitch marks, Replace Divots and Rake Bunkers.
• That your place on the course is immediately behind the match ahead of you and not immediately in front of the match behind you.
• Obey all course directions and signage.
• To participate in any open fixture, including four balls, in Ireland you must present your official Membership Card to the host club.
Members are advised to use the timesheet. Contact 086/8135272 (Office Hours)
Members who have won prizes are required to attend in person to collect them at the official presentation. In exceptional circumstances a prize winner may nominate another member to collect the prize on his/her behalf.